Wesley Church


At Wesley, we believe that our ultimate calling as faith community is first to Jesus Christ, and then to our community. We strive to be a church that is continually reaching our neighbors for Christ!

Beliefs and Values

We believe in God the maker of heaven and earth, who has created and continues to create.

We believe in Jesus Christ, the only Son of God. For us and our salvation, he came from heaven, was conceived by the Holy Spirit and was born of the Virgin Mary. He lived his life as an example to us, then he suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. On the third day he rose in accordance with Scripture, he ascended into heaven, is seated at the right hand of the Father and will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead. Jesus Christ is both our Lord and Savior; his kingdom will have no end.

We believe in the Holy Spirit as the divine presence in our lives, to constantly remind us of Christ and His actions and to empower us to live lives leading to Christian perfection.

Continuous growth toward the full devotion of Christ should be the norm for every believer. We believe that growth occurs both in large group and small group settings.

Prayer should permeate every aspect of our lives, the church, and the world.

Lost people matter to God, and therefore, matter to Wesley Church.

We will teach God’s Word in a contextually meaningful way.

We believe that Wesley Church will be culturally relevant.

We believe that only God can change lives for the better.

We believe that our time and resources must flow beyond ourselves to those in need.

We believe in nurturing loving relationships.

We believe that God has spiritually gifted all believers and we will foster those gifts to serve God and others.

We believe that by giving our best we honor God.


At Wesley Church we envision a community of faith that is fully devoted to Jesus Christ. We will be of singular purpose, to share the love of God with our neighbors, by taking forward the Gospel of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection.

We envision a culturally diverse community of faith established and growing in- God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We will be committed to reading and studying the Bible, a vibrant individual and corporate prayer life, to excellence in worship and programming, and to the importance of the sacraments; Baptism and Holy Communion.

We envision helping to develop all people- non-believers, new believers, as well as established believers- into joy-filled, fully functioning, followers of Jesus Christ. We will accomplish this through relevant worship, Sunday school, Bible studies, discipleship/accountability small groups, special events, and community outreach. We do this because we know that lost people matter to God and therefore, must matter to Wesley Church. We will be diligent in teaching the Word of God as this is the only true catalyst for individual change and transformation. We are aware that authentic Christ-followers desire and need continuous growth.

We envision Wesley to be a church that is culturally relevant. Being a part of the culture we will be an asset to our community as our energy, time, and resources flow beyond ourselves to those in need. We will reach out to our community helping families of all generations connect not only to one another but to the love of God found in Jesus Christ.

We envision that we will operate as a unified community serving others as we continually develop and use our unique spiritual gifts. As such we will nurture a climate of loving relationships built on a commitment to loving God and our neighbors.